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The following shows the format of a file transfer event command:
actim -E -f file -f file ... -p -g -m method -t target_path -d dest
- -f file - file mode, depends on option -p or -g which respectively indicates the file is either local or remote
- -p - put mode, meaning the file specified is local and transfers to a remote
- -g - get mode, meaning the file specified is remote and transfers to a local machine
- -m method - media, indicates the request is delivered via the specified method.
The current support option is:
- email or smtp If not specified, it will refer to transmitMedia option.
- -t targetPath - target location where the file(s) is(are) going to be stored. This is based on the value of
-p or -g option. If this is not specified, then the value of ClientDft.targetPath is used.
- -d dest - destination, this can be an email address or http address depending on the -m option.
Joseph Kuan